The Crucial Role of a NH Business Planning Lawyer in Ensuring Organizational Success
In the dynamic world of business, where uncertainties and complexities abound, having a well-thought-out plan is essential for success. Among the various professionals involved in shaping a business’s future in New Hampshire, a business planning lawyer plays a crucial role.
3 Reasons to Utilize a Business Planning Lawyer
There are many reasons a person may need to consult a business planning lawyer in MA or NH. At Feniger and Uliasz, we are here to assist – not only with business planning needs but also with the most common concerns. Here are three common scenarios which lead businesses to reach out.
Commercial Litigation: How The Pandemic Changed Our Ways
Like everything, the court system has also needed to adapt to the new world under COVID-19. Take a look.
NH Business Planning: Timing Is Everything For Small Businesses
Often a little to late when it comes to business planning. Here is why you need our team, now.
Independent Contractors and Non-Competition Agreements Case Study
In a recent case of first impression within the state of New Hampshire, Feniger & Uliasz litigated the issue of whether a contractual non-compete agreement is enforceable against an independent contractor. The case is Brians 1:1 Fitness, LLC v Woodward reported as case No. 217-2012-CV-00838 in the Merrimack County Superior Court and orders may be […]