After a Car Accident: Do You Need a Lawyer?

car accident lawyer

If you’re unsure if you need a lawyer after a car accident, the safest and wisest thing to do is consult one, just in case. At Feniger, Uliasz & Stacey, we can help you navigate through any legal issues that may arise after an accident.

3 Reasons to Utilize a Business Planning Lawyer

business planning lawyer ma

There are many reasons a person may need to consult a business planning lawyer in MA or NH. At Feniger and Uliasz, we are here to assist – not only with business planning needs but also with the most common concerns. Here are three common scenarios which lead businesses to reach out.

NH Workers Compensation and Light Duty Work

workers compensation lawyer nh

The availability of light duty work, and the obligation of the employer to provide it after a work injury, is an issue in New Hampshire. There are a number of reasons for this. However, the main reason is that in NH, the employer must have a temporary alternative duty plan and hearings to terminate benefits.